2. On that note, the sun rose at 8:56 am and set at 5:32 pm today. That is 8 hours and 35 minutes of sun for today. 2 hours and 30 more minutes than on the 10th of last month!
3. My new favorite activity is dropping James and the big boys off at a movie and taking Baby Bear over to Target to browse during the movie. We sit at Starbucks for a while and then wander the isles of Target for an hour or two. Hours of quiet Target browsing with a baby snuggled up to you. Heaven!
4. Speaking of Baby Bear, since the last Ten on the Tenth, Eli has finally started sitting up. He was doing the “If I move a muscle, I will fall over, I can only sit up for about 10 seconds” kind of sitting up or just flat out refusing to try by straightening out his whole body, for a long time.
5. Monday was the 100th day of school for Will. I can’t believe he is almost out of Kindergarten! He is getting so big! I measured him up to myself yesterday and he comes up to my armpits already! James says that is because I am so short. Hmph!
6. The boys have started putting on shows. They charge anywhere from $.25 to $1 for admission. It is quite cute!
7. I am in love with Bear Naked cookies! They are so good! Pretty healthy for a cookie too. The first ingredient in them is whole grain oats. If you can’t find them at your store, order them here
8. We saw a Moose in the neighborhood yesterday. First one we have seen inside the neighborhood. She was across the street from our mailbox (which is nowhere near our house). I didn’t get the mail on our way home from school because of it. I didn’t have my camera with me and I wasn’t going to risk my life by getting out of the car unless I at least had pictures to show for it! My Moose sighting count is now up to 3.
9. I think James liked our trip to Disneyworld last spring break more than anyone in the house. He mentions planning a trip back at least once a week.
10. Our good friends, the Tonks, are moving to Alaska this summer! I couldn’t be more excited! James also tells me that another set of friends may also be getting an assignment up here this summer, but he doesn’t know if they know it yet. ;)
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