1. Since last month Eli has started crawling! He has been very mobile for a long time, but he was rolling and scooting backwards using his head and feet. He is now doing a true army crawl and sometimes getting his knees up under him. He loves being able to get around faster!
2. We signed Ben up for pre-school this week! A happy and sad moment for Mommy. He is very ready for it though and I know he will love it!
3. William is doing great in school! We had a parent-teacher conference recently and his teacher had nothing but glowing praises for him!
4. We still continue to gain daylight! Today the sun rose at 7:32am and set at 6:48pm. That is 11 hours and 15 minutes of sunlight for today. We gained 2 hours and 40 minutes since last month and 5 hours and 10 minutes since January!
5. I had to take James to the emergency room a few weeks ago because of pain in his side. We were sent home with some pain pills and told he had an infection in his intestines. James followed up with the flight doctor the next day and this doctor said he had a hernia. Monday we got good news - the surgeon doesn't think he has a hernia!
6. Our girl scout cookies are here! This is very bad for mommy bear!
7. An exciting event is happening today! My sister-in-law his having an ultrasound and will hopefully find out the sex of their baby! (Well, actually they are having the tech write it down and letting a friend reveal what the baby is with a colored cake at a party later on, so they won't know today) Hope the baby cooperates!
8. This week is Spring Break for us. Will is enjoying his time off very much! I am sleeping in everyday! Be jealous everyone, I get to sleep in until 7am everyday this week!
9. As I type this, I am looking a a pile of laundry that needs to be hung up. Hmph!
10. Sunday the boys and I experienced our first "Can only be done in Alaska" event! We went to the start of the Iditarod race and watched the mushers take off. It was lots of fun!